Sunday, August 19, 2018

Mung Dal Kitchari (Kapha Reducing)

This is my first attempt at kitchari. I may need to adjust some seasoning.


4 c Basmati rice
6 bay leaves
1 t cardamom
2 t cinnamon
1 t cloves
4 t cumin
6 T ghee
4 in piece of ginger
2 c mung bean
1 t salt
8 c water

Soak the mung beans for several hours before cooking and drain. Add 6 cups of water or more and bring to a boil, scooping off any foam that forms on the top. Then, strain out the liquid and add another 16 c of fresh water to the mung dal.

2. When the mung beans are dissolved into the broth (1-3 hours), grind the ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, and cumin. Make a thick paste by adding a bit of water. Let sit for five minutes, then sauce in ghee until aromatic but before they brown. De-glaze the frying pan with 1/4 c water to add to the soup.

3. Add rice and any remaining ingredients to the broth. Cover and cook on low heat for 20 minutes or until rice is tender.

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